Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Administrative Law - Second Semester - Previous Year Question papers

Administrative Law

UNIT – I    (Marks : 15)
1.  Administrative Law is an Instrument to combat administrative authoritarianism through the instrumentality of courts”. Explain.     (June 2011)
2.   “The rapid growth and development of Administrative Law in India has become the foundation stone of modern political philosophy”. Explain.            (Dec. 2012)
3.      Explain the reasons for the growth of Administrative Law in India. (January 2012)
4.      Discuss the nature & scope of administrative law. (June 2011)
5.      Explain the nature & scope of administrative law. (June 2013)
6.      Define ‘Administrative law’. Discuss the various sources of Administrative law. (June 2013)
7.      Explain the components of “Rule of Law”. (June 2011)
8.  Discuss the concept of Prof. Dicey’s rule of law. Explain it’s role in the Development of Administrative Law. (June 2012)
9.     When administrative authorities have to act Judicially in India ?   (June 2011)
10. Explain classification of administrative actions and various tests to determine the same.   (Dec. 2012)
11.  Discuss the enforceability of Administrative directions. (January 2012)
12.  What are administrative directions? Explain identification of them. (June 2012)

UNIT – I    (Marks : 5)
1.      Critically examine the concept of “Rule of Law”.      (June 2011)
2.      Explain ‘Rule of Law’ according to A.V.Dicey. (June 2013)
3.      Write a note on “Droit Administratiff”. (June 2011)
4.      Write a note on Droit-Administratiff. (January 2012)
5.      Write a note on enforceability of administrative directions. (June 2011)
6.      State distinctions between administrative directions and rules. (June 2012)
7.      Write a brief note on doctrine of separation of powers. (June 2012)
8.      Explain and distinguish administrative law from constitutional law. (June 2013)
9.      Whether licensing authorities have to act judicially in India ? (Dec. 2012)
10.  Normally Government used to invite tenders from private printers to print and publish text books for primary schools. But in 2010, Government issued a notification regarding printing of text books by Government press. Private Publishers challenged the notification. Decide. (Dec. 2012)
11.  The Government issued an office memorandum providing for fixation of salary of re-employed personnel. ‘A’, who is re-employed wants memorandum to be enforced. The Government contends that the memorandum being Administrative direction confers no enforceable right upon ‘A’. Decide. (January 2012)
12.   ‘A’ a government officer vested with discretion to grant permission for transplantation of kidney announced a policy to be applied by him to all cases coming before him for decision ‘P’ an applicant who is refused permission challenges the decision of ‘A’. Decide. (June 2011)

UNIT – II   Marks : 15
1.      Discuss the various factors responsible for the rapid growth of delegated legislations in India. (June 2011)
2.      Discuss with the help of decided cases Judicial control of delegated legislations in India.            (June 2011)
3.      Explain judicial control over delegated legislation with the help of decided cases. (June 2011)
4.      Discuss the parliamentary control over delegated legislation in India. (June 2012)
5.       Parliamentary control of administrative rule making in India is implicit, because the executive is responsible to Parliament”. Explain.   (Dec. 2012)
6.      What is delegated legislation? what are the constitutional limitations on the delegation of legislative power in India ? (June 2012)
7.      Explain ‘Delegated Legislation’. What are the reasons for the growth of delegated legislation ? (June 2013)
8.      Define Delegated Legislation and state the reasons for its growth. (January 2012)
9.      Define Delegated Legislation and state the reasons for its growth. (June 2011)
10.  “Essential Legislative Powers cannot be delegated by the legislature” – Explain. Refer to decided Cases. (June 2013)
11.  Delegation may be assailed when it is ultra vires the enabling Act”. Discuss with the help of decided cases.   (Dec. 2012)
12.  Explain the Doctrine of Ultra-Vires Refer decided cases. (January 2012)

UNIT – II   Marks : 5
1.      What delegations are permissible ?    (June 2011)
2.      What are impermissible delegations ? (Dec. 2012)
3.      What are sub-delegations ? (June 2011)
4.      Write a note on sub-delegation. (January 2012)
5.      Can delegation be challenged on the ground of unreasonableness ? (Dec. 2012)
6.      Explain Parliamentary control of delegated legislation. (June 2013)
7.      Explain ‘Enabling Act and Delegation’.  (June 2013)
8.      Under the Advocates Act, 1961, Bar Council of India is given the power to prescribe the Qualifications for an Advocate to vote at an election. The State Bar Council fixed these Qualifications with the approval of Bar Council of India. Is it valid ? (January 2012)
9.      An Act of a state contains a provision that the state Government may extend any section of the Act to particular area subject to “Such restrictions and modifications as the Governments may deem fit”. Is the delegation Valid? (June 2011)
10.   An Act of state imposed sales tax on goods. Items mentioned in the schedule were exempted from tax. The Act conferred power on the state government to add or delete items from the schedule. Before doing so, the government had to give three months notice and consult affected interests. Is the delegation Valid ? (June 2011)
11.  A statute prohibits the advertisement of drugs suggesting it’s use in diagnosis, cure or treatment of “veneral disease”. The statute also delegates to the central government the power of extending the application of the Act to “any other disease or diseases”. Decide the validity of such delegation. (June 2012)
12.   A statute delegates certain of its powers to the central government. The Government further sub-delegates the same powers to the administrative authority. Is this sub-delegation valid ? (June 2012)

UNIT – III           Marks : 15
1.      Rule against Bias” is one of the concepts of “Fair hearing”. Discuss with the help of decided cases.        (June 2011)
2.      Explain ‘The rule against bias’ with reference to decided cases. (June 2013)
3.      Explain Personal Bias and Pecuniary Bias with reference to decided cases. (January 2012)
4.      Discuss different kinds of bias with reference to decided cases. (June 2011)
5.      Critically analyse the rule “Audi Alteram Partem”. (June 2012)
6.       Audi Alterm Partem” is sine Quo non of “Fair hearing”. Discuss with the help of decided cases.          (June 2011)
7.      Audi Altam Partem is sine qua non of fair hearing”. Discuss with the help of decided cases. (Dec. 2012)           
8.       “The term Natural justice expresses close relationship between the common law and moral principles and it has an impressive history of several centuries”. Discuss. (Dec. 2012)
9.      Explain ‘principals of natural justice’ briefly, with the help of decided cases. (June 2013)
10.  Discuss Reasoned Decisions. Refer with decided cases. (January 2012)
11.  Explain ‘quasi-judicial’ function. Discuss the grounds for characterising the function as ‘quasi-judicial’ (June 2011)
12.  Discuss institutional decisions. Refer decided cases. (June 2012)

UNIT – III              Marks : 5
1.      What is a “Reasoned decision” ?       (June 2011)
2.      When principles of natural justice can be exempted ? (June 2013)
3.      When personal hearing is necessary ? Explain. (June 2013) An advocate was removed from the rolls of state Bar council on the ground of his professional misconduct, without giving opportunity to defend himself. Examine the validity of his removal. (June 2011)
4.      Whether an order passed in violation of natural justice be validated by post decisional hearing.  (Dec. 2012)
5.      BDA has statutory powers to demolish any building without any notice if it was constructed without prior permission. X’s house is constructed without permission. The authority demolishes the house of ‘X’. Advise ‘X’. (Dec. 2012)
6.      The Collector of the District submits his report to the State Government about working of Village Panchayat. On the basis of this report the State Government after giving show cause notice to the Village Panchayat, dissolved it. However, copy of the Collector’s report was not given to it. Is this dissolution valid ? (January 2012)
7.      A Magistrate imposed a penalty on an owner of dog for treating the dog with cruelty on a complaint given by the society for prevention of cruelty to animals. The Magistrate himself was a member of the society. Is his decision valid ? (January 2012)
8.      ‘A’ was dismissed from government service on the ground that he was convicted for an offence of theft. He challenges the dismissal on the ground that he was not given an opportunity of hearing? Decide. (June 2011)
9.      An inquiry was commenced by the general manager of the factory against ‘A’. The Managing Director was incharge of the prosecution. After examining some witness the Managing Director took over the inquiry and examined the General Manager as a witness. As a result of the inquiry ‘A’ was dismissed. He challenges the order of dismissal as violating the rules of natural justice. Decide. (June 2011)
10.  An adjudication proceeding started with out giving notice to the affected person. However, the affected person appears and submits representation before the adjudicator. Is this proceeding valid ? (June 2012)
11.   ‘X’ was dismissed from his service by the collector of customs. He preferred an appeal to the president of India as was provided under service rules. The ministry of finance rejected the appeal without reference to the President. Is it valid ? (June 2012)

UNIT – IV           Marks : 15
1.      Discuss the scope of judicial review of Administrative Discretion in the light of Fundamental rights.            (June 2011)
2.      Explain ‘Judicial Review of Administrative Action’ and ‘Various types of Writs issued by courts’. (June 2013)
3.     Explain the various grounds for exercising judicial control over “Administrative discretion” in India with the help of decided cases.       (Dec. 2012)
4.      Discuss the various civil and equitable remedies to control administrative actions in India. (June 2011)
5.      Discuss the various privileges and immunities of Administration in suits and legal proceedings. (Dec. 2012)
6.      State the extent of liability of the government in tort. (June 2011)
7.      Government liabilities in contract depend upon fulfillment of certain conditions. Elucidate and refer decided cases. (June 2012)
8.      Examine the Government privilege to withhold documents in evidence. Refer decided cases. (January 2012)
9.      Explain the Writ of Mandamus. How does it different from Injunction ? (January 2012)
10.  Discuss the principles governing the grant of writs of ‘mandamus’ and ‘quo-warranto’ (June 2011)
11.  Examine the scope of writ-of-Quo-Warranto. Refer decided cases. (June 2012)
12.  Explain ‘Courts’ and ‘Tribunals’. Bring out their differences. (June 2013)

UNIT – IV           Marks : 5
1.      Distinguish between ‘Court’ and ‘Tribunal’.                       Marks : 5 (June 2011)
2.      Whether a writ can be issued to enforce contractual liability against state ? (June 2011)   
3.     Distinguish ‘Discretionary power’ from ‘Arbitrary power’.          (Dec. 2012)
4.      Write a note on “Public Interest Litigation”. (Dec. 2012)
5.      Write a note on right of Information  (June 2011)
6.       Whether “State” is bound by a statute ? (June 2012)
7.      Explain ‘Administrative Discretion’. (June 2013)
8.      Explain ‘Reasoned Decision
9.      A contract was entered between ‘A’ and Government of India through correspondence of letters. However, there was no formal contract deed entered between them. Whether this contract is valid ? (January 2012)
10.  The Government has announced that new Industrial units in the State would be granted exemption from payment of tax for a period of three years. Acting on the above assurance ‘X’ established a factory on the assurance. Later the Government withdraws the said benefit. ‘X’ wants to approach the court. Advise him. (January 2012)
11.  The Central Government notified an export promotion scheme declaring that the exporters of woolen textiles and goods would be entitled to import raw materials equal to 100 percent of the value of exports. Relying upon the notification ‘A’ a trader exported goods of the value of Rs.25 lakhs. The Government refused to give licence. ‘A’ challenges the decision in court. Decide. (June 2011)
12.  The Police assigned with the duty of protecting Collector’s office apprehending an attack from an unlawful assembly resorts to lathi charge without magesterial order ‘X’, who is not a member of the unlawful assembly sustained serious injuries. He wants to claim damages from the stste government. Will he succeed ? (June 2012)
UNIT – V            Marks : 15 
1.      Explain the Juristic status of public corporations in India relating to their liability in ‘Tort’ and ‘Contract’.            (June 2011)
2.      Explain the general features of a public corporation in India.         (Dec. 2012)
3.      Explain how far “Lokayuktha” helps to redress the citizen’s grievances against administrative faulty. (June 2011)
4.      Write a critical note on Lokpal in India. (January 2012)
5.      Explain the constitution, functions and powers of central vigilance commission. (Dec. 2012)
6.      Discuss the parliamentary control over public undertakings. (June 2012)
7.      Explain ‘Public undertaking’. What are their functions? Explain with illustrations.
8.      Discuss Judicial Control over Public Undertakings.   (January 2012)
9.      State the Principles relating to judicial control over public undertakings. (June 2011)
10.  What is the need for institution of Ombudsman ? What are the steps taken in India in this regard. (June 2011)
11.  Explain the concept of Ombudsman. Trace the development in India. (June 2013)
12.  Examine the scope of commission of inquiry Act – 1952. Refer decided cases. (June 2012)

UNIT – V          Marks : 5
1.      Distinguish “Court” from “Commission of Enquiry”. (June 2011)
2.      Write a note on “ Commission of Enquiry”.             (Dec. 2012)
3.      Distinguish between “Inquiry and Investigation”.   (Dec. 2012)
4.      Write a note on Central Vigilance Commission.   (January 2012)
5.      Make a note on Lokayukta in Karnataka. (January 2012)
6.      Express opinion on proposed Lok pal-Bill. (June 2012)
7.      Write a note on Corruption. (June 2011)
8.      Write a note on “mal-administration
9.      Write a note on “Public Interest Litigation”.            (June 2011)
10.  Write a note on Parlimentary Committees. (June 2011)
11.  Explain ‘Special Leave Petition’. (June 2013)
12.  Explain ‘Privileges of government to withhold documents’. (June 2013)

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