Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Question papers - Family Law – I (Hindu Law) II Sem, KSLU

Family Law – I (Hindu Law)

Unit 1

15Marks, June 2013
1.a) Discuss the different schools of Hindu Law
15Marks, June 2013
1.a) State and explain in brief the sources of Hindu Law
5Marks, June 2013
1.b) Write a note on ‘Hindu’
5Marks, June 2013
1.b) Write a note on ‘Convertion’
15Marks, Dec 2012
1.a) Briefly enumerate the sources of Hindu Law with special reference to “Custom”
15Marks, Dec 2012
1.a) Explain Mitakshara and Dayabhaga Schools of Hindu Law, How they differ with each other ?
5Marks, Dec 2012
1.b) Who are Hindus ?
5Marks, Dec 2012
1.b) Write a note on “Varna Dharma”
15Marks, Jan 2012
1.a) Enumerate the sources of Hindu Law, Explain the importance of Custom
15Marks, Jan 2012
1.a) Hindu Law applies to Hindus by birth and by religion – comment. State persons to whom Uncodified and codified Hindu Law applies.
5Marks, Jan 2012
1.b) Distinguish between Sruthis and Smrithis
5Marks, Jan 2012
1.b) What are the salient features of Mitakshara School of Hindu Law ?
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Unit 2

15Marks, June 2013
2.a) Discuss the provisions of void and voidable marriages under the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955.
15Marks, June 2013
2.a) Explain “Cruelty” as a ground for divorce under the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955.
5Marks, June 2013
2.b) Write Short Note on : Sapinda relationship
5Marks, June 2013
2.b) Write Short Note on : Conjugal rights
15Marks, Dec 2012
2.a) Explain the grounds on which a Hindu Marriage can be dissolved by Divorce ?
15Marks, Dec 2012
2.a) Explain the essential conditions of a valid marriage
5Marks, Dec 2012
2.b) ‘A’ wants to divorce his wife on the ground that she is barren women. Will he succeed ?
5Marks, Dec 2012
2.b) Write Short Note on : “Maintenance pendent lite”
15Marks, Jan 2012
2.a) What is a divorce ? on what grounds divorce can be obtained ?
15Marks, Jan 2012
2.a) Discuss whether Hindu marriage is still a sacrament after passing Hindu Marriage Act, 1956.
5Marks, Jan 2012
2.b) Prabhakara aged 25 years and kusuma aged 17 years are married with the arrangement and consent of their parents. Discuss the validity of their marriage.
5Marks, Jan 2012
2.b) Ramya is working as a teacher in a government school. Her husband who is an unemployed filed a suite for maintenance against his wife. Is she liable?

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Unit 3

15Marks, June 2013
3.a) What is separate property ? Explain the incidents of separate property.
15Marks, June 2013
3.a) Who is Karta ? Under what circumstances he can alienate joint family property ?
5Marks, June 2013
3.b) Write Short Note on : Pious obligation
5Marks, June 2013
3.b) Write Short Note on : Re-Union
15Marks, Dec 2012
3.a) What are the circumstances under which a Joint Hindu Family Property can be alienated and by whom ? who can challenge such alienations ?
15Marks, Dec 2012
3.a) What is partition ? How partition can be effected ?
5Marks, Dec 2012
3.b) Which are immoral debts of Father ?
5Marks, Dec 2012
3.b) What is Pious Obligations ?
15Marks, Jan 2012
3.a) Explain the Joint Hindu Family and coparcenary. Can a mother be a kartha of a Joint Hindu Family ? Explain
15Marks, Jan 2012
3.a) Explain the process of partition. When partition can be re-opened ?
5Marks, Jan 2012
3.b) State the essentials of Endowment
5Marks, Jan 2012
3.b) is the daughter liable for the debt incurred by the father for his personal benefit ? Discuss.

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 Unit 4
15Marks, June 2013
4.a) Explain the Salient features of Hindu Succession Act, 1956
15Marks, June 2013
4.a) State the general rules of succession under the Hindu Succession Act, 1956
5Marks, June 2013
4.b) ‘A’ dies in 2012 leaving his wife, mother, two daughters, two sons and his father. Distribute the estate among them.
5Marks, June 2013
4.b) Does Unchastity disqualify a woman from inheriting?
15Marks, Dec 2012
4.a) Show the mannerism the estate would devolve on the heirs when a female Hindu dies after the commencement of the Hindu Succession Act, 1956.
15Marks, Dec 2012
4.a) Briefly explain the salient features of the Hindu Succession Act, 1956.
5Marks, Dec 2012
4.b) ‘A’ and ‘B’ are two brothers and they are separated from each other. ‘A’ is married and has two sons. ‘B’ is not married. ‘A’ commits the murder of ‘B’, can claim the property of ‘B’ as the only heir.
5Marks, Dec 2012
4.b) Write Short Note on : “Stridhana”
15Marks, Jan 2012
4.a) Discuss the types of property owned by a Hindu Woman. State the changes brought to women’s estate
15Marks, Jan 2012
4.a) What are the significant changes introduced in the Hindu Succession Act, 1956
5Marks, Jan 2012
4.b) A joint Hindu Family consists of Father ’F’ and his son ‘S’ partition takes place between ‘F’ and ‘S’. Two years after partititon another son ‘T’ is born to ‘F’. Now state who are all coparceners and what is the share of property of each person
5Marks, Jan 2012
4.b) Distinguish obstructed and unobstructed heritage.
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Unit 5

15Marks, June 2013
5.a) Explain the capacity of a female Hindu to take in adoption
15Marks, June 2013
5.a) Explain the different types of guarding and their powers with reference to Hindu Minority and Guardianship Act, 1956.
5Marks, June 2013
5.b) Write Short Note on : Maintanance of Wife
5Marks, June 2013
5.b) Write Short Note on : Dependents
15Marks, Dec 2012
5.a) Who are the natural guardians of a Hindu minor child and what are their powers ?
15Marks, Dec 2012
5.a) What is an Adoption ? Explain the effect of adoption on a) The Natural Family, b) The Adoptive Family.
5Marks, Dec 2012
5.b) ‘A’ adopts ‘B’ who is already adopted by ‘C’. Is this adoption valid ?
5Marks, Dec 2012
5.b) Who are dependents ?
15Marks, Jan 2012
5.a) State the dependents under Hindu Adoption and Maintenance Act, 1956. When a wife looses her right to separate residence and maintenance ?
15Marks, Jan 2012
5.a) Define adoption, Discuss the significant changes relating to adoption introduced under Hindu Adoption and Maintanance Act, 1956.
5Marks, Jan 2012
5.b) Explain the doctrine of Relation Back
5Marks, Jan 2012
5.b) Father enters into an agreement to sell the minor’s property and delivers actual possession of the same in pursuance of that agreement. Whether the agreement id binding on the minor ? Explain with reasons.

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