Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Ashrama Dharma or Shastric Concept - Hindu Law

Hindu Social Structure with reference to Ashrama – Dharma or Shastric Concept

Acc to Shastric Concept of Hindu Life, Average life of Human being was of 100 years to be divided into 4 stages
-          Brahmacharya
-          Grihastha
-          Vanaprasatha
-          Sanyas Ashram
During this period
-          An individual is expected to gain Knowledge under the guidance and control of Guru
-          After learning Vedas and other Science and having blessed by his preceptor (Guru) his Brahmacharya Ashram comes to end.
After the completion of 25th year, he enters the second stage of Life
During this period
-          An individual is expected to marry and experience the pleasures of Life.
-          As per Purushartha Theory Artha & Karma were to be acquired in this Ashram
-          Artha means acquisition of Wealth & Prosperity.
-          Karma means enjoyment & Pleasures, including Sexual enjoyment
During this period
-          The Husband & Wife left the worldly life, detach themselves from the family and devote their time in Work ship or Upasana.
-          This is the beginning of Ultimate goal of Human Life
-          An individual at this stage should try to get rid of the illusions (Maya) of the physical world and realize the Truth.
Sanyas Ashram
During this period
-          One has to give up everything which is worldly
-          It is a life of complete renunciation
-          One has to concentrate on worship, meditation, which are the paths of realization of God or self

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